The late Air Vice Marshal Abdul Qadir, born July 24, 1922, was one of the pioneers of the Pakistan Air Force. He joined the Royal Indian Air Force in 1944 and with the arrival of World War II, was positioned at the Burma Front as an adept fighter pilot of the fearsome Spitfire. With the war over, and a new state on the world’s map, A. Qadir, along with a handful of stalwarts became the seed from which grew the institution we now know as Pakistan Air Force. After a decade, AVM A. Qadir transitioned from an active flying career into a succession of leadership roles that finally saw him as Commandant Air War College, Karachi (former PAF Staff College), Director General Civil Aviation and eventually second in command of the Pakistan Air Force.
A.V.M Qadir was viewed as a true gentleman who left an indelible impression on the lives of those he touched. He gave utmost importance to fairness and was scruplessly honest. Within the Air Force, and outside, AVM A. Qadir was admired for his impeccable character. He used to dress immaculately.
It was in the spirit of serving their nation, and following in the footsteps of their father, that his children took on the task of welfare work, which they hope to be perpetual charity, or "sadaq-e-jaria" for their parents.